Dear Mom
This week has been a blur but I was able to learn a very important
lesson. I went to Spanish land again for exchanges which was awesome! I
was able to be in a couple of lessons that I could only follow a small
amount but I was still expected to still teach. Hermana Ramussen would tell
me what to testify that is what I did. It was so cool to hear my testimony
on the Atonement in Spanish! The main key was really relying on the
spirit to know what they needed to hear.
You are so beautiful! I am sorry that you had one of those games
that made you want to talk to me. I miss those yell, cry, or talks that
we would have after a rough game but I know that you are strong enough
that you don't need me. Me on the other hand needed you! If you do need
to release or talk about something just email to me. I will try to do my
best but its different not being there. On a spiritual note, there
is one person that can be there for me when you do have those days. It
is the Savior and you know what He knows better than I do on how to help
you. Keep Him close to you Aysha and never leave Him!
Sister Ogden